SEMANTIC TOOLS FOR CARBON REDUCTION IN URBAN PLANNINGCo-funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework ProgrammeWorkshopsVoCamp "Energy Data Models for Urban Planning" This Vocabulary Camp (VoCamp) took place School of Architecture and Engineering La Salle, Barcelona, on 13-14 February 2014. Its purpose was to discuss theapplication of ontologies to integrate data from various domains and scales to improve the energy efficiency in urban areas. Thirty-three researchers participated inthe workshop, representing five on-going European research projects: SEMANCO, Ready4SmartCities, NRG4Cast, COOPERaTE and Odysseus. ReportWorkshop "Analysing and Visualising Energy Related Data in our Buildings, Towns and Cities"This workshop took place in Barcelona 11-12 April 2013. Thirty eight participants attended the Workshop. Representatives of sixteen projects participated actively bydelivering presentations outlining their work and the relevant aspect of the projects within one or more of these thematic lines: •Energy Data for Urban Planning: Multiple Representations of Energy Information Interactive Interfaces of Energy Data Visualization•Developing Business Models Based On New Energy ServicesReport | Blog