SEMANTIC TOOLS FOR CARBON REDUCTION IN URBAN PLANNINGCo-funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework ProgrammeRelated ProjectsTRACE The Tool for Rapid Assessment of City Energy (TRACE) is a decision-support tool designed to help cities quickly identify under-performing sectors, evaluateimprovement and cost-saving potential, and prioritize sectors and actions for energy efficiency (EE) intervention. It covers six municipal sectors: passengertransport, tbuildings, water and waste water, public lighting, solid waste, and power and heat.Visit the website.Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities (RFSC)A set of tools that could local authorities and diverse stakeholders that need to make aligned decisions on their city strategy, policies and plans. These tools couldalso help organise the assessment of sustainability and the monitoring of their urban strategy and to find examples of policies. Visit the website.CETICA The main objective of the CETICA project is the design and development of a new sustainable building model taking into account energy efficiency, ecologicalsustainability and end user aspects. Visit the website.ReegleThe goal of REEEP is to accelerate the overall global market for renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. Reegle has collected information from themost highly-rated sources and it has classified this data in 243 country profiles using Visit the website.Adapt4EEAdapt4EE will develop an enhanced semantic enterprise data model that treats, learns and manages the enterprise environment as an intelligent agent, perceivesenvironmental state using multi-type sensors and information modalities. BECA (Balanced European Conservation Approach)The BECA project intends to achieve a significant reduction of energy consumption in European social housing. BECA will develop, provide and pilot advanced ICT-based Resource Use Awareness Services (RUAS) and Resource Management Services (RMS), both to tenants and maintenance and management staff members. Visit the website.CASSANDRA CASSANDRA aims to build a platform for the realistic modeling of the energy market stakeholders, also involving small-scale consumers. Visit the website.i-SCOPE Based on interoperable 3D Urban Information Models (UIMs), i-SCOPE delivers an open platform on top of which it develops, within different domains, a serie of“smart city” services. Specifically, the optimization of energy consumption through a service for accurate assessment of solar energy potential at building level. Visit the website.BaaSBaaS is a FP7 project which aims to optimize energy performance in the application domain of "non-residential buildings" in operational stageBEAMSBEAMS proposes the development of an advanced, integrated, management system which enables energy efficiency in buildings and special infrastructures from aholistic perspective.Visit the website.SmartKYESMARTKYE proposes the development of an advanced, integrated, management system which enables energy efficiency in neighbourhoods from a holisticperspective.Visit the website.SEEMPubSSEEMPubS (Smart Energy Efficient Middleware for Public Spaces) specifically addresses reduction in energy usage and CO2 footprint in existing Public buildingsand Spaces without significant construction works, by an intelligent ICT-based service-based monitoring and management of energy consumption.Visit the website.AMBASSADORThe purpose of the AMBASSADOR project is to study, develop and experiment systems and tools that will aim at optimising the energy usage in the perimeter of adistrict by managing the energy flows, predicting and mastering energy consumption and energy production.Visit the website.URB-GradeThe URB-Grade project designs, develops and validates a Platform for Decision Support that will allow the city authorities and utilities to promote and choose thecorrect actions to upgrade a district to become more energy efficient, cost effective and to increase comfort for its citizens in a District as a Service Platformapproach.Visit the website.MARIEMARIE aims to improve Mediterranean building energy efficiency and exploit the opportunities presented by EU policy and directives on energy efficiency inBuildings, taking into consideration the distinct characteristics of the Mediterranean space.Visit the website.EPIC - HUBEPIC-HUB focuses on efficient Management, Control and Decision-Support Energy Policies at neighbourhood level, defining an interoperable Middleware solutionand a structured vision for the communities to use and share renewable energy sources, energy storage, and micro generation, to consistently realise energysavings, reduce CO2 emissions and optimize energy usage.Visit the website.IDEASIDEAS "Intelligent Neighbourhood Energy Allocation & Supervision" is a research and development project supported by the European Commission, focused on thedevelopment and operation of energy positive neighbourhoods.Visit the website.E4RIE4R is a European project that aims to develop and promote energy rehabilitation of buildings in southwest Europe, through the realization of practical tools thathelp establish criteria for both energy and economic efficiency.Visit the website.