SEMANTIC TOOLS FOR CARBON REDUCTION IN URBAN PLANNINGCo-funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework ProgrammeDeliverablesThis document describes the methodology developed during the first year of the SEMANCO project. Its purpose is to explain how the work of the Tasks in differentWork Packages (WPs) can be integrated. As such it introduces the tools and mechanisms used to ensure the integrated development of the different components ofthe project. Deliverable 1.8: Project Methodology Lead partner: FUNITEC, September 21st 2012 DownloadThis work grounds the ICT development within the SEMANCO project in the case study sites. To do so it presents an initial analysis of the following for the Spanish,Danish and UK sites:•The current situation with regard to the energy performance of the built environment.•The urban planning policy frameworks and strategies for reducing CO2 emissions. •The implemented urban planning schemes. •The relevant actors involved in the urban planning processes. •Data requirements and data sources.•The expected outcomes of the analytical tools under development.Deliverable 2.1: Report of the case studies and analysisLead partner: CIMNE, March 30th 2012DownloadThis document presents two tools developed to help different types of user involved in the ontology design -domain experts, data owners, and ontology engineers-to integrate data from multiple sources collaboratively using standard semantic technologies: an OWL mapping extractor and an ontology mapping collaborativeweb environment. These tools can be used: 1.To generate an OWL ontology from a schema database (almost all data sources exist as databases), 2.To translaterelational data stored in tables and columns to RDF format according to the local ontology previously generated, and 3. To provide an environment where users caneasily map a local ontology to a global ontology according to their knowledge.Deliverable 4.1: Environments for collaborative ontology MappingLead partner: FUNITEC, October 10th 2012 DownloadThe purpose of this report is:•To propose a methodology for classifying and characterising energy related data by means of a shared terminology which will be used in the subsequentsemantic modelling and ontology building processes. This methodology will help domain experts and ontology engineers to identifying concepts andrelationships between data.•To provide a set of standard forms to collect and describe data and data sources which will be used in the ontology building process as well as in the analysisperformed by tools.Deliverable 3.1: Report on the Accessible Energy DataLead partner: POLITO, September 21st 2012 DownloadThis report provides strategies to monitor CO2 emissions and a list of indicators that can be used to measure the performance of strategies to reduce CO2emissions. Deliverable 2.2: Strategies and Indicators for Monitoring CO2 EmissionsLead partner: RAMBOLL, October 15th 2012 DownloadThe processes of design, implementation and monitoring of the demonstration scenarios in the three cases of study are defined in this report. The scenarios havebeen designed to ensure a comparable parallel development and to facilitate the exchange of experiences at the European level. Deliverable 8.1: Implementation PlanLead partner: CIMNE, October 15th 2012 DownloadThis report provides: a ) Guidelines for structuring and semantically modelling energy data, allowing the building of ontologies; b) Standard Tables for structuring andmodelling the data; and c) Mapping Tables to create correspondences between the ontology and data deriving from the databases or from the tools.Deliverable 3.2: Guidelines for Structuring Energy DataLead partner: POLITO, January 21st 2013 DownloadThis report provides guidelines for structuring and semantically modelling contextual data which are necessary for the development of the ontologies. Somestandards and literary references are presented as the main sources for carrying out the ontological work as regards the energy-related data. The Standard Tables,in which the contextual data are structured and semantically modelled, are provided. The way to connect all the Standard Tables and to refer them to differentterritorial scales constitutes a true application of semantics which is not constrained to buildings but which also embraces the urban scale.Deliverable 3.3: Guidelines for Structuring Contextual Data Lead partner: POLITO, March 21st 2013 DownloadA presentation of the ontology repository which contains the data sources provided by the three case studies. The repository contains two kinds of data: buildingtypologies based on building use or year of construction; and urban data including contextual information. A semantic integration process has been carried out totransform the relational data sources into Resource Description Framework (RDF) according to the semantic energy model developed in the project. This processhas applied the ontology mapping tools created in the project as well as the data sources mapping tables collected by the partners.Deliverable 3.4: Ontology repository with migrated dataLead partner: FUNITEC, April 30th 2013 DownloadThe report is a description of two environments created in the project to support the ontology design and building, as follows. 1. An ontology editor, a tool to facilitatecooperative ontology design involving ontology designers and domain experts, such as building engineers and energy consultants. 2. A semantic data explorer toenable domain experts to explore the data exposed by the Semantic Energy Information Framework (SEIF). Deliverable 4.3: User interfaces for domain experts interacting with SEIFLead partner: HAS, April 30th 2013 DownloadThe report summarises the findings from the stakeholder requirements capture conducted during the first eighteen months of the project. The outcomes of thisexercise are the identification, specification and validation of a range of Use Cases applicable to Denmark, Spain and the UK. The Use Cases are described in theform of a detailed specification for the practical application of the ICT tools by a range of stakeholders.Deliverable 6.1: Stakeholder requirements analysisLead partner: UOT, April 30th 2013 DownloadThis report presents a description of the development of the 3D building models in the three case study areas and of the energy modelling tools for the case studies’building stock. These tools are capable of identifying an urban area’s baseline energy consumption and CO2 emissions, a critical step for correctly targeting CO2reduction interventions.Deliverable 5.1: Building Extraction and Classification Tools Lead partner: UOT, July 31st 2013 DownloadThis report describes the development of analysis tools which combine a visual-based approach with complex data mining to support the decision making process of stakeholders and their consultants. The tools described achieve the retrieval and systematization (facilitated by the SEMANCO ontology), probabilistic analysis andvisualisation (interacting with the project’s 3DMaps) of data from a variety of sources. Deliverable 5.2: Tools for Energy AnalysisLead partner: HAS, July 31st 2013 DownloadThis report describes the implementation of the first stage of the Implementation Plan, applying existing data and tools in real scenarios with actual users in theCase Study areas. The report identifies refinements in the Use Cases and Tools that will be required for the second implementation round.Deliverable 8.2: Implementation Success IndicatorsLead partner: CIMNE, June 18th 2013 DownloadThis document presents the SEMANCO integrated platform at its current level of implementation, at the end of the second year of the project. The content of thisreport includes the development process undertaken in the last year of work -consisting of a sequence of cycles of design, development and testing of the platformprototype- as well as the structure and functionalities of the platform at its current stage of development. The integrated platform is the front-end for users withdifferent profiles to interact with the semantic data using tools that are associated to a model of an urban energy system.Deliverable 5.4: Prototype of the Integrated PlatformLead partner: FUNITEC, October 30th 2013 DownloadDescription of the interfaces –based on standard technologies such as SPARQL– to connect external tools with the data sources collected by means of theSemantic Energy Information Framework (SEIF). A federation engine is introduced along with explanations of how interoperability issues (in terms of query languageand protocol of access) are solved. The SEIF mediates between tools and data sources at two levels: first, conceptually, by providing a semantic energy modelshared by tools and data; and second, technically, through a federation of related data sources and answering data queriesDeliverable 5.2: Tools for Energy AnalysisLead partner: FUNITEC, October 30th 2013DownloadThis report updates the impact verification strategy from Deliverable 2.3 and provides recommendations to continue with the development of the integrated platformfunctionalities whose purpose is to help to reduce CO2 emissions at the urban level. It provides strategies which will enable the verification of the impact of theintegrated tools and associated methodologies, which will be then applied in WP 8 in three yearly cycles.DownloadLead partner: CIMNE, October 30th 2013 Deliverable 2.4: Updated impact verificationThe Semantic Energy Information Framework (SEIF) is a key technological component of the entire SEMANCO project. The main goal of the SEIF is to facilitate theenergy assessment and analysis tools integrated within the SEMANCO platform the access to the distributed data sources that hold the data they require. The SEIFis made of the following components: A federation engine; mapping tools; a semantic data explorer and a set of requirements in the energy model.DownloadLead partner: FUNITEC, October 30th 2013 Deliverable 4.5: Semantic Energy Information FrameworkDeliverable 4.2: Semantic Energy Model Lead partner: FUNITEC, March 21st 2013 DownloadAn ontology design methodology devised specifically for the project which focuses on the integration of data sources and on facilitating the processingof federated queries. Ontology requirements are captured in the use cases and the activities have been processed to implement the semantic energymodel. A semantic energy model described as a formal ontology using Web Ontology Language 2 (OWL 2) is reported. This model comprises conceptsgathered from the use cases and the data sources provided by three case studies (Manresa, Copenhagen, Newcastle).This is a report of the implementation of the SEMANCO tools in the second round of demonstration scenarios carried out in the three cases of study: Newcastle,Copenhagen and Manresa. The goal of these demonstrations was to check whether the integrated platform, in its current state, provides relevant and qualifiedinformation to support energy efficient urban planning. In particular, the evaluation covered the following issues: •Access to data: The users evaluated whether the data made available on the SEMANCO integrated platform is useful for making decisions in the planning ofenergy efficient urban areas and whether any items of data that they required to do this were missing from the platform. •Use of tools: The users evaluated whether the tools available on the platform were adequate for supporting decision making regarding urban energyefficiency. •Performance indicators: The users evaluated whether the set of indicators currently available on the SEMANCO platform are adequate for supporting theirdecision-making, or whether the platform should be extended to include additional indicators. DownloadLead partner: CIMNE, April 30th 2014 Deliverable 8.3: Intermediate implementation reportThe purpose of the work summarized in this report has been to empirically demonstrate the feasibility of using semantic web technologies to facilitate thecommunication between semantically modelled data obtained from multiple sources and existing energy simulation tools. With this purpose, an urban energysimulation software application named URSOS -developed by the University of Zaragoza - has been integrated as a tool in the SEMANCO platform. The reportdescribes the process and following to integrate this tool with the semantic data. DownloadLead partner: FUNITEC, April 30th 2014 Deliverable 5.5: Interoperable tools with SEIFDeliverable 4.6: VoCamp “Energy Data Models for Urban Planning”Lead partner: FUNITEC, February 13th 2014 A report has been published which summarizes the work carried out in the VoCamp on "Integrating multiple domains and scales" which took place at the School ofArchitecture and Engineering La Salle, Barcelona, Spain on 13-14t February 2014. The purpose of this VoCamp was to discuss the application of ontologies tointegrate data from various domains and scales to improve the energy efficiency in urban areas. This report summarizes the program and objectives of the VoCamp,the presentations delivered by participants and the outcomes of the discussions. Thirty researchers from ten countries representing five research projects(SEMANCO, Ready4SmartCities, NRG4Cast, COOPERaTE and Odysseus) participated at this event.DownloadDeliverable 5.3: Energy Simulation and Trade-off Visualisation ToolLead partner: UoT, June 30th 2014 This report presents the development of fully integrated intervention assessment tools for each of the three case studies, and a multi criteria tool for considering theeffects of different energy efficiency interventions in the built environment that can be applied in each of the three case studies. These tools built on the previouswork developed in Deliverable 5.1. Besides, a generic multi criteria based trade off tool to rank the improvement options has been created. This tool can be appliedacross all three case study areas. All tools reported in this document have been integrated in the SEMANCO platform.DownloadDeliverable 7.5: Project Stakeholder Dissemination EventsLead partner: UoT, June 30th 2014 This document summarizes the three stakeholder workshops were held in the three stakeholder areas: Newcastle, Manresa and Copenhagen. The events featured a combination of some invited keynote speakers in the area of energy efficiency with presentations about SEMANCO and opportunities for the participants to discussthese ideas with each other. The combined overall attendance for the three events has reached around 130 people. The events both provided a very usefulevaluation of the outputs of the SEMANCO project by relevant stakeholders, and contributed to the dissemination of these results. DownloadEnergy efficient urban planning processes involve multiple scales and time. Also, urban planning practices practices are multidimensional in nature as theyencompass social, political, economic, technical and environmental aspects. It is necessary, therefore, to have accounting frameworks to come up with theappropriate energy performance indicators and strategies which then can be supported by tools accessing semantically modeled data. This report proposes amethodology to be followed to identify those indicators and strategies operating at multiple levels and domains. Deliverable 2.3: Impact VerificationLead partner: CIMNE, September 21st 2012 DownloadDeliverable 5.6: Operative integrated platformLead partner: FUNITEC, July 31th 2014 This document presents the final version of the SEMANCO integrated platform developed in Task 5.6 Integrated platform. This final version is the result of thedevelopment of the previous prototype reported in Deliverable 5.4 Prototype of the integrated platform. The work done in Task 5.6 encompasses the integration ofthe new tools developed since the creation of the prototype, the improvement of some of the prototype functionalities, and the enhancement of the interfaces. Ausability test has been designed for final users to assess the performance of the platform in in the demonstration scenarios. DownloadDeliverable 6.3: Identifying implementation strategies and business modelsLead partner: UoT, July 31th 2014 The work presented in this report identifies business models to enable the application of the tools developed in SEMANCO project beyond the initial case studyareas. It is of interest to those involved in the application of ICTs to urban planning in both research and business spheres and potential customers that could benefitfrom the application of the SEMANCO platform. The information obtained through this task is also of interest to the SEMANCO partners as it directly informs futureexploitation plans for the SEMANCO platform, associated tools and services.DownloadDeliverable 6.5: Engaging practitioners beyond the case studiesLead partner: UoT, September 30th 2014 This report describes the work undertaken throughout the course of the SEMANCO project in order to disseminate the results, including: events organized by theproject, participation in external events, and academic and non-academic publications.DownloadDeliverable 2.5: Final verificationLead partner: CIMNE, November 30th 2014 This report presents the final impact verification of the capacities of the SEMANCO integrated platform: 1. To respond to the needs identified in each case study 2. Tosupport energy efficient urban planning and 3. To deliver relevant information to stakeholders involved in energy efficient urban planning.DownloadDeliverable 3.5: Enhancing Available DataLead partner: POLITO, September 30th 2014 Update of the Energy Standard Tables with new terms added to the categories "Energy systems, energy quantities and boundary conditions data" and "Contextualdata".DownloadUrban development projects in Denmark, Spain in the UK have been analyzed to identify key parameters related to policy, data, stakeholders and technicalrequirements. The analysis led to a set of recommendations to be considered in the design of the SEMANCO platform.DownloadLead partner: RAMBOLL, January 23rd 2014 Deliverable 6.2: Identication of Key Parameters Relevant to CO2 Reduction in Urban Development ProjectsDeliverable 8.4: Implementation EffectivenessLead partner: CIMNE, November 14th 2014 This report describes the third and final stage of the implementation plan for the demonstrations of the SEMANCO platform. It includes the results of the usabilitytests performed by end-users.Download