SEMANTIC TOOLS FOR CARBON REDUCTION IN URBAN PLANNINGCo-funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework ProgrammeNewsDecember 2013The December 2013 edition of the SEMANCO newsletter has been published, featuring a description of technical aspects such as the SEIF and Integrated Platform.To find out more read it here.December Newsletter producedJanuary 2014A short summary of the SEMANCO project has been produced and published on the digital agenda for Europe website.The summary can be read here and the entry on the website can be found here.Written project summary producedSEMANCO at ICT 20136-8th November 2013SEMANCO was presented at ICT 2013 - Create, Connect, Grow which was held in Vilnius from the 6th to 8th of November 2013.To find out more about the conference, visit the website.29th October - 1st November 2013SEMANCO will be presented at the 13th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR 2013) which will be held in London on 30-31 October 2013.To find out more about the conference, visit the website.SEMANCO at ConVRSEMANCO at the PTEC - Spanish Building Technological platform5th March 2014The SEMANCO project has been disseminated through the newsletter of the PTEC (the Spanish counterpart of the ECTP European Construction TechnologyPlatform).Visit the website.13-14th February 2014On 13-14th February 2014 SEMANCO organised the 4th VoCamp at the Engineering and Architecture School La Salle Campus, Barcelona, Spain. This VoCampfocused on the application of ontologies to integrate multiple domains and scales in order to develop models of urban energy systems which help different actors -urban planners, consultants, policy makers, dwellers- to take better informed decisions to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions in urban environments.This is a reportof the outcomes of the meeting.4th VoCamp on "Integrating multiple domains and scales"4-6th March 2014SEMANCO was disseminated at EcoBuild 2014 the world's leading event for sustainable design, construction, energy and the built environment. Over the two daysapproximately 20 demonstrations were provided to a range of delegates including architects, urban planners, students and other energy professionals.Further details of this event can be found on the Newcastle case study blog.SEMANCO at ECOBUILD 201415th May 2012, United KingdomThe Technology Futures Institute (TFI) at Teesside University is an international leader in key areas of research and innovation related to sustainable energy. It heldits annual research day on the 15th of May, 2012. Keynote speakers included some SEMANCO partners as:•Mr Jørgen Hvid - senior consultant at RAMBOLL, a leading engineering, design and consultancy company founded in Denmark•Professor Leandro Madrazo - School of Architecture La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, a leader in the application of IT to sustainable building andurban design•Mr David Lynch - research officer from National Energy Action, which promotes energy efficiency services to tackle fuel poverty Technology Futures Institute annual research day - Sustainable energy: a bright future.14th June 2012, The NetherlandsPromoted by the Cassandra project, Cassandra, Wattalyst, Nobel, SEMANCO, CITINES and E-Price European projects met at ERASMUS University, to share theirexperiences and discover common approaches and solutions.Potential Synergies on ICT & Energy Efficiency 8th October 2012The purpose of the knowledge management system developed in SEMANCO is to facilitate the interaction between the different domains involved in the applicationof semantic technologies to energy efficiency, in urban planning; such as, energy efficiency, planning, and semantic technologies. WikiSEMANCO Wiki25-27th July 2012, IcelandSEMANCO will participate in the 3rd Workshop on eeBuildings Data Models which will take place within the ECPPM 2012 conference, to be celebrated in Reykjavik, Iceland.Workshop informationSEMANCO participated in the 3rd Workshop on eeBuildings Data Models16th January 2013The second “Synergies on ICT & Energy Efficiency” meeting took place on January 16th 2013, in Valencia, Spain, at the ETRA headquarters. Representatives of theEU funded projects Wattalyst, Nobel, Skynet, Beams and SEMANCO presented the results obtained in the on-going projects and discussed possible applications ofthe outcomes in other projects.Second Synergies on ICT & Energy Efficiency meeting21-22th February 2013SEMANCO researchers take part on the Vocabulary Campthat is taking place in Brussels, 21-22 February 2013. This is the second VoCamp organized by the FP7project Adapt4EE and it will be dedicated to enriching BIM models used during design phases for enhanced energy performance analysis and simulation. SEMANCO researchers participate in the 2nd VoCamp on Building Information Models (BIM)27-28th January 2012, ItalyProgress on the initial phase of the research was discussed at the meeting hosted by the Politecnico di Torino.SEMANCO partners hold their second face to face meeting in Torino12 January 2012, United KingdomThe construction crews have already moved into the Cruddas Park site on the West End of Newcastle. Very shortly, university researchers will be joining them. Thehigh-rises built in the 1960s were part of then council leader T Dan Smith’s “city in the sky” concept. But the Riverside Dene project which replaces them will featuremassively increased energy efficiency and a biomass heating system... moreDownloadSEMANCO in the local news11-12th April 2013Thirty-eight participants and 16 projects took part in the two day event.For details of the workshop programme, presentations and outcomes visit the workshop blog.SEMANCO host “Analysing and Visualising Energy Related Data in our Buildings, Towns and Cities” Workshop in Barcelona8-9th May 2013NEA presented the SEMANCO project’s approah to tackling urban carbon emissions in the Sustainable Cities subject group of the UK’s Greenbuild Expo on the 8th May.To find out more about Greenbuild Expo, vist the website.SEMANCO at Greenbuild Expo, UK12th June 2012, SpainA poster and an oral presentation of SEMANCO were presented at this event organized by EurekaBuild2, a network of companies, research centers and universitiesdedicated to generating projects in the area of construction.EurekaBuild2 agendaSEMANCO at the EurekaBuild2 Brokerage Event 31st May - 1st June 2012, United KingdomThird yearly coordination meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the use case methodology design and implementation, alignments between on-goingtasks and procedures to make the first year reporting; hosted by the National Energy Action (NEA).SEMANCO partners hold their third face to face meeting in Newcastle Upon Tyne4-5th October 2011, PolandPresentation of SEMANCO in the 5th Conference of the European Construction Technology Platform, ECTP/E2BA... moreDownloadSEMANCO at the ECTP conference13-14th September 2011, SpainThe kick-off meeting has taken place in Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle. SEMANCO partners meet together13th April 2012, SpainThe SEMANCO project has been disseminated through the newsletter of the PTEC (the Spanish counterpart of the ECTP European Construction TechnologyPlatform)... more (Spanish). SEMANCO at the Spanish Construction Technology Platform (Plataforma Technológica Española de Construcción - PTEC) 28th March 2012, BelgiumSEMANCO has been introduced via teleconference to the participants of the Workshop Linked Data in Architecture and Construction, organized by SmartLab andMultimedia Lab of the University of Ghent, Belgium. On-line presentation in the Workshop Linked DataJune 2013New SEMANCO reports available on our tools for Building Extraction and Classification and for Energy Analysis.Read the reports here.New SEMANCO reports16-18th September 2013SEMANCO was presented at the NEA Annual Conference which took place in Harrogate.To find out more about the conference, visit the website.SEMANCO at the NEA Annual ConferenceSEMANCO at the ICT for sustainable cities conference9-11th September 2013Two SEMANCO papers were presented at the recent ICT for Sustainable cities conference in Nice. Leandro Madrazo and Alvaro Sicilia presented a paper about theontology building process within SEMANCO at the workshop on EEB Data Models. This paper is available here. Tracey Crosbie presented a paper at the workshopon EEB Key Performance indicators.This paper is available here. To find out more about the conference, visit the website.Article on the SEMANCO integrated platform21st May 2014PREFIERES, a Spanish web portal specialized in energy efficiency, has published an article about the SEMANCO platform of integrated energy services.Visit the website.SEMANCO has participated at the EU Project Networking session of the Extended Semantic Web Conference 201430th May 2014The SEMANCO project presented a poster at the EU Project Networking session organized by the Extended Semantic Web Conference that took place in Crete,from 25th to 29th May 2014. 29th May 2014A SEMANCO stakeholder event, titled “Ciutats i Energia” will be held in Manresa on the 29th of May. Click here for a copy of the agenda for the meeting. Theworkshop’s objective is to provide an overview of the problems that urban management responsibles are facing concerning today energy threats. Registration is openand free and can be done either through clicking directly on this registration form or the FORUM website ( Stakeholder workshop in Spain7-8th May 2014SEMANCO will be presented at the green build expo in Manchester, UK, on the 7th and 8th of May. The Green Build Expo is a national energy efficiency conferencewhich is attended by approximately 2,000 delegates with 200 exhibition stands on view. National Energy Action (NEA), are leading on the dissemination of SEMANCO at the conference by providing a presentation to approximately 40 delegates. Inaddition a demonstration area will be set up to allow conference delegates get up close and interact with the SEMANCO platform.SEMANCO at the Green Build Expo 2014Newsletter n.5 has been publishedJune 2014This Newsletter features:•VoCamp - "Integrating multiple domains and scales"•Ramboll Workshop - Tools for Designing Energy Efficient Cities•NEA Workshop - Planning for Low Carbon Communities•FORUM Workshop - Cities and Energy: An Insight Into Energy Consumption In Urban Structures.To find out more read it here.SEMANCO will be present at the 6th ECTP Conference in Brussels2nd June 2014SEMANCO will present a poster at the 6th European Construction Technology Platform conference that will take place in Brussels, from 17th to 19th June 2014.Published the report of the 4th VoCamp "Integrating multiple domains and scales"2nd June 2014A report has been published which summarizes the work carried out in the VoCamp on "Integrating multiple domains and scales" which took place at the School ofArchitecture and Engineering La Salle, Barcelona, Spain on 13-14th February 2014.SEMANCO in Manresa local news2nd June 2014The local newspaper Regio7 from Manresa has informed about the workshop “Ciutat i Energia” organized by FORUM in Manresa on May 29th 2014.Data structuring for the ontological modelling of urban energy systems: The experience of the SEMANCO project 20th October 2014The article, titled "Data structuring for the ontological modelling of urban energy systems: The experience of the SEMANCO project", will be published in "SustainableCities and Society". This article presents the methodology used to set up a vocabulary based on existing technical standards and structured in Energy StandardTables, which constitute the base of the formally specified SEMANCO ontology.Newsletter n.6 has been published29th October 2014This Newsletter features:•Energy services web-portal•Finalisation of the SEMANCO platform•Dissemination and exploitation activities•Publications•Smart City Expo World CongressTo find out more read it here.Smart City Expo World Congress16-18th November 2014SEMANCO will be present in the Smart City Expo World Congress that will take place in Barcelona, 16-18 November 2014. Newsletter n.7 has been publishedJanuary 2015This Newsletter features:•EECITIES energy services provider•Open Source Outputs•Publications•Presentations•ContactTo find out more read it here.SEMANCO ENDS / EECITIES STARTSMarch 2015After more than three years of continuous and intensive work, the SEMANCO project has been successfully completed in February 2015. The project results havereceived the final qualification of “excellent” by the experts’ committee of the FP7 programme, as a recognition to “a research project that has fully achieved itsobjectives and technical goals and has even exceeded expectations”. The exploitation of the technologies developed by SEMANCO continues with the platformEECITIES.