SEMANTIC TOOLS FOR CARBON REDUCTION IN URBAN PLANNINGCo-funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework ProgrammeNewcastle, United kingdomThe aim of the SEMANCO project is to reduce CO2 emissions by integrating the analysis of CO2 production in our neighbourhoods, cities and regions. The tools and methods developed in the project will be used to inform decisions about the energy performance and cost effectiveness of different design and planning alternatives by: •Classifying buildings for energy analysis •Visualising urban energy consumption •Assessing different methods of reducing CO2 emissions •Predicting future energy demand •Providing appropriate energy indicators for local authorities In the Riverside Dean pilot these tools will be demonstrated at the following geographical scales Map Neighbourhood scaleAt the neighbourhood/municipal level pilot study will focus on the second phase of the redevelopment of Riverside Dean (formally known as Cruddas Park) which is supported by Newcastle City Council, Bridging Newcastle Gateshead, and New Deal for Communities and Your Homes Newcastle. Map Municipal Riverside DeneA major part of the first phase of the redevelopment of the Riverside Dean involved the refurbishment and internal remodelling of three of the five pre-existing residential housing blocks. A core aim of this large scale redevelopment on Tyneside was to bring existing 1960s design housing up to and beyond 'Decent Homes Standards', whilst also aiming to reduce carbon emissions and levels of fuel poverty. In addition to further housing regeneration and renewal, the second phase of the redevelopment will support the critical regeneration of the Cruddas Park Shopping Centre, which has the potential to be a powerful social and commercial focus and will provide a new revitalised community and commercial focal point for the area. Furthermore, the current master-planning includes the development of a new commercial unit on the southern edge of the site. This will provide opportunities for local employment and involvement, as well as presenting a high-profile modern development aspect onto the main road (Scotswood Road) providing access to the site. Finally, it is proposed Cruddas Park will be re-landscaped to provide an exceptionally high quality of local environment that meets the diverse needs of the community. As it stands the green areas and streets are poorly defined and the estate lacks a cohesive urban identity. But there are solutions to all of these social, economic and environmental challenges which will be explored further as part of our study. The findings from this will be linked to analysis of energy use across the whole of the City of Newcastle upon Tyne. Visit the blog