SEMANTIC TOOLS FOR CARBON REDUCTION IN URBAN PLANNINGCo-funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework ProgrammeWork PlanSEMANCO's approach to developing and integrating ICT tools to reduce CO2 emissions is based on four interrelated components:•Supporting access to, and analysis of, distributed heterogeneous sources of energy related data.•Semantic modelling of energy data, according to EU energy and ontology standards. •Integrated tools, that access and update the semantically modelled data, based on new and existing IT solutions for decision making in the development of CO2reduction strategies. •A requirements analysis to ensure that the tools and CO2 reduction strategies developed address real world problems, within the SEMANCO demonstrationcases and throughout the EU.Mouse-over each of the work packages presented in the graphic.The SEMANCO project is divided into sections called work packages [WP]. Each WP is led by one of the partners in the project. However many of the partners in the project contribute to each WP. In this way an integrated body of research is created.
WP 8 will involve three phase incremental demonstrations of the tools and data modelling methods developed in the project. These will be conducted in each of the three pilot studies in Spain Demark and the UK. This phase of the project will demonstrate the utility of the Semantic Energy Information Framework and associated tools. It will also propose forward looking public policies and strategies which exploit the technical developments achieved in the project.
WP6 will identify user requirements to inform the selection, design, integration and implementation of the tools and data modelling methods used within project. This will ensure that the trade-off tools consider the factors important to the stakeholders and that the data mining techniques developed provide information relevant to the current issues facing stakeholders in urban planning and design.
WP5 involves the integration and evaluation of energy visualisation, simulation and optimisation tools and techniques to support urban energy related planning. The exchange of data with the Semantic Energy Information Framework (SEIF) developed in WP 4 will be exploited. The tools utilised will be selected to fit the strategies developed for energy efficient urban planning in the pilot cases.
WP4 concerns the creation of a Semantic Energy Information Framework (SEIF) which facilitates access to distributed energy data for the tools to be developed in WP 5. The SEIF will provide a bridge between different data domains and contents. To do so it will devise standard procedures to provide semantic data in a format readable by design, evaluation and planning tools.
WP3 concerns data modelling. This research will add value to raw information through the handling, integration and interpretation of data, and through historical and future forecasting. This WP will apply standards to model the energy data identified in WP2 and standardised exchange procedures between these energy data sources and the decision support tools to be developed in WP5
WP2 concerns the scoping of the pilot studies. It will analyse the problem domain in the three pilot cases to provide an evidence-based understanding of the strategies required to reduce CO2 emissions. As such it will identify the different data sources available, inform the implementation of the tools in the demonstrations conducted the pilot studies and provide benchmarks against which the success of the pilots in terms of CO2 reduction will be measured.