SEMANTIC TOOLS FOR CARBON REDUCTION IN URBAN PLANNINGCo-funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework ProgrammeNewslettersThe December 2013 SEMANCO Newsletter is now available. Highlights include:•SEMANCO news•Comprehensive update on the recent, exciting SEMANCO technology developments including the SEIF and the integrated platform•The forthcoming VOCamp workshop being organised by SEMANCONewsletter Number 4 DownloadNewsletter Number 3 The June 2013 SEMANCO Newsletter is now available. Highlights include:•SEMANCO news•Comprehensive update on the recent, exciting SEMANCO technology developments•Forthcoming highlights and project presentationsDownloadNewsletter Number 2 The December2012 SEMANCO Newsletter is now available. Highlights include:•SEMANCO news•Update on SEMANCO technology development•A new methodology to foster integration of data, tools, domains and stakeholders•New tools to design ontologies in a collaborative way•Designing and implementing demonstration scenariosDownloadNewsletter Number 1 The July 2012 SEMANCO Newsletter is now available. Highlights include:•SEMANCO news•Key concepts explained•Case study outlinesDownloadNewsletter Number 5 The June 2014 SEMANCO Newsletter is now available. Highlights include:•VoCamp - "Integrating multiple domains and scales"•Ramboll Workshop - Tools for Designing Energy Efficient Cities•NEA Workshop - Planning for Low Carbon Communities•FORUM Workshop - Cities and Energy: An Insight Into Energy Consumption In Urban StructuresDownloadNewsletter Number 6 The October 2014 SEMANCO Newsletter is now available. Highlights include:•Energy services web-portal•Finalisation of the SEMANCO platform•Dissemination and exploitation activities•Publications•Smart City Expo World CongressDownloadNewsletter Number 7 The January 2015 SEMANCO Newsletter is now available. Highlights include:•EECITIES energy services provider•Open Source Outputs•Publications•Presentations•ContactDownload