SEMANTIC TOOLS FOR CARBON REDUCTION IN URBAN PLANNINGCo-funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework ProgrammeCopenhagen, DenmarkSustainable city - The Copenhagen wayThe North Harbour, Copenhagen, Denmark As an urban development project, the North Harbour shows how citiescan be both environmentally and economically sustainable withoutlosing out on quality of life or welfare. The North Harbour will be aCO2 friendly city, and a place where it is easy to have a greenconscience. It will be easy to utilize environmentally sustainableenergy, heating and cooling solutions both in businesses and privatehomes. District heating and cooling is planned to cover the entire area andallows for flexibility in terms of supply technologies. In the short term,well-known and well-tested sustainable energy sources will be used.In the long term, the district energy infrastructure and connected heatstorage will ensure that the North Harbour will be able to use the future's most appropriate sustainable technologies andsources of energy, for instance solar energy, wind energy and geothermal heat extracted from the ground deep below theNorth Harbour. Also groundwater and are planned to be used for cooling purposes. Power consumption in the North Harbour will be kept at a minimum through the building design and the integration ofinformation technology to control and monitoring. Building and infrastructure will be subject to environmental impactassessment and will be designed on the basis of principles aimed at keeping resource consumption, waste production and negative environmental impact to a minimum. The electricity required will be generated by wind turbines and, in the long term, also by solar cells. The future city districtof the North Harbour will be a world leader in the use of sustainable technologies. Visit the blog